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Organisational Populism
About the Discussion Bulletin
A Reply to Rahe Fadayii
Foroogh R.
A Statement by the Fedayii's Revolutionary Socialist Tendency
Kazem, A. Rahim, H.
Kandokav 10 - January 2021
kandokav 8 - August 2019
Kandokav 4 - March 2016
Kandokav 3 - Nov 2015
Kandokav 2 - May 2015
Kandokav 1 - Jan 2015
Alternative - 1 - a selection
Praxis - 1 - a selection
Critique of Political Economy – Spring 2013
Critique of Political Economy – Winter 2012
Critique of Political Economy – Autmn 2012
Baroo - 2009 - a selection
Negah - 28 - March 2014
Negah - 27 - May 2013
Negah - 26 - May 2012
Negah - 25 - May 2011
Negah - 2010 - a selection
International Socialist Forum - 4 - June 1999
International Socialist Forum - 3 - October 1998
International Socialist Forum - 2 - January 1998
International Socialist Forum - 1 - August 1997
What is to be Done - 1 - Feb 1989
Socialism and Revolution - 4 - 2 - Summer 1987
Socialism and Revolution - 3 - 2 - Winter 1985
Socialism and Revolution - 2 - 2 - Spring 1985
Socialism and Revolution - 1 - 2 - Summer 1984
Socialism and Revolution - 4 - 1 - Sep 1983
Socialism and Revolution - 3 - 1 - Jan 1983
Socialism and Revolution - 2 - 1 - Dec 1982
Socialism and Revolution - 1 - 1 - Nov 1982
Kandokav - 1 - 2 - August 1979
Kandokav - Special Issue - December 1978
Kandokav - 8 - 1 - Autumn 1978
Kandokav - 7 - 1 - Spring 1978
Kandokav - 6 - 1 - Autumn 1977
Kandokav - 5 - 1 - Winter 1976
Kandokav - 4 - 1 - Autumn 1976
Kandokav - 3 - 1 - December 1975
Kandokav - 2 - 1 - March 1975
Kandokav - 1 - 1 - Nov 1974
Organisational Populism
Socialism and Revolution - 3 - 1 - Jan 1983
Foroogh R.
A Reply to Rahe Fadayii
Socialism and Revolution - 3 - 1 - Jan 1983
Kazem, A. Rahim, H.
A Statement by the Fedayii's Revolutionary Socialist Tendency
Socialism and Revolution - 3 - 1 - Jan 1983
About the Discussion Bulletin
Socialism and Revolution - 3 - 1 - Jan 1983