An analysis of the transition from Asiatic mode of production to Capitalism in Iran from the 18th century to the present. The author reviews the historical stages of development of Iranian capitalist and its relationship with the world capitalist economy with particular emphasis on the imperialist policies which led to the Shah's White Revolution and the crisis ridden type of economic growth that followed it. The rise of the bazaari-clerical opposition to the Shah is explained in relation to these developments.
The Agrarian Question in Iran - 1978
Notes on Iranian Industrialisation - 3
On the Emergence of Autonomous Finance Capital in semi-colonial Countries
Notes on the Industrialisation of Iran - 2
The Emergence of Iranian and Arabic Finance Capital
Imperialism and the Question of Arab and Iranian Finance Capital
Imperialist Defeat in Vietnam
Notes on the Industrialization of Iran
The Agrarian Question in Iran
Oil Rents and Finance Capital
Remember the Structures
The Crime of Punishment
The Political Economy of Bread Revolts
The Reform Period and Changes in the Labour Force
Rentier State or Political Propaganda
The Iranian Bourgeoisie and the Dysfunction in Capitalist Reproduction
The Iranian Crisis of Capitalism and the Death Agonies of the Pahlavi Monarchy
Wither the Iranian Revolution